miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012
Mobile Phone Blog - iPhone, SmartPhone, CellPhone Information
#1 Mobile Phone Blog. An Insiders Perspective on the Mobile Phone Industry, smartphone hardware, iPhone and Android applications, opinions on cell phone content, reviews of mobile games, critiquing new firms in the market and the health of the global wireless industry.
martes, 19 de junio de 2012
How to Stop -- Or Live With -- Global Warming
According to research at Princeton, current technologies are capable of stopping (or at least slowing) the rate of global warming by 2050 if properly applied. Using a mix-and-match approach, students who participated in a game-like experiment found that the current portfolio of energy-saving policies and technologies (flourescent bulbs, nuclear power, wind turbines, reducing deforestation, etc.) could indeed keep global greenhouse gases constant over the next 50 years. The trick is to apply these solutions to developing countries, where rapid industrial growth will put them on track to overtake the developed world in greenhouse gas output within the next several decades.
Meanwhile, Live Science has a top-10 list of side effects of global warming, such as more severe allergies, more sinkholes from permafrost melting, a less dense upper atmosphere that will affect how satellites orbit the earth, more forest fires and rapid deterioration of ancient ruins. Perhaps the strangest prediction of all: mountains that lose their glaciers and permanent snow caps will actually 'grow' as the weight on them decreases.
Meanwhile, Live Science has a top-10 list of side effects of global warming, such as more severe allergies, more sinkholes from permafrost melting, a less dense upper atmosphere that will affect how satellites orbit the earth, more forest fires and rapid deterioration of ancient ruins. Perhaps the strangest prediction of all: mountains that lose their glaciers and permanent snow caps will actually 'grow' as the weight on them decreases.
domingo, 17 de junio de 2012
Armstrong y Davis son los nombres clave elegidos para los BlackBerry Curve 9320 y 9220

Un interesante documento en el que los terminales de la familia Curve, la gama más económica de smartphones BlackBerry, parecían tomar la iniciativa en la ya próxima actualización de la plataforma a BlackBerry OS 7.1 de la mano de los BlackBerry Curve 9320 y 9220, ahora revelados bajo los nombres clave Armstrong y Davis, respectivamente, y de los que anticipamos algunas líneas generales que, posiblemente, marquen la pauta a seguir por el resto de dispositivos en un futuro a corto plazo.
Por lo pronto, aquellos que estén esperando por estos nuevos modelos, al menos a lo que a los países del viejo continente respecta, tendrán que conformarse con diferentes versiones de los modelos ya existentes, presentados en una variada gama de colores. Todo apunta a que los BlackBerry Curve 9320 y 9220 en cuestión irán dirigidos a mercados emergentes del continente africano y del este asiático, estando el primero de ellos siendo sometido a evaluación por diferentes operadores con un nueva "build" de BlackBerry OS 7.1 con la que ya estaría equipado el terminal.
No ha trascendido especificación técnica alguna de cualquiera de los dos modelos, aunque no parecen introducir ninguna característica nueva nunca antes vista en un BlackBerry, con la excepción del botón dedicado a BlackBerry Messenger.
De forma similar a los pocos "Facebook Phone" actualmente comercializados, los canadienses darán cabida en el borde izquierdo de sus smartphones a un botón de acceso directo al cliente de mensajería instantánea propio de la marca, y que tanta popularidad ha proporcionado a la gama BlackBerry Curve entre los más jóvenes.
Una pequeña variación que da continuidad a la estrategia utilizada por RIM en los últimos tiempos, aportando un mayor valor a sus terminales a través de sus capacidades para la conexión entre personas y que, sin lugar a dudas, veremos en algún que otro modelo salido de sus factorías.

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012
Stem-Cell Treatment Cures Type 1 Diabetes
A clinical trial involving patients with type 1 diabetes (aka: juvenile diabetes) and stem cell therapy has shown that treatment with stem cells can help such patients produce their own insulin.
The stem cells, created from the patients' own blood, proved effective in 13 of 15 subjects in the trial, who no longer need daily insulin injections. However, more studies are needed to verify the findings and learn more about exactly how the therapy works. Experts believe that a widely-available stem cell treatment for type 1 diabetes is at least five years away. The research, furthermore, does not address type 2 diabetes.
The findings were published in the most recent edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Source: London Times
The stem cells, created from the patients' own blood, proved effective in 13 of 15 subjects in the trial, who no longer need daily insulin injections. However, more studies are needed to verify the findings and learn more about exactly how the therapy works. Experts believe that a widely-available stem cell treatment for type 1 diabetes is at least five years away. The research, furthermore, does not address type 2 diabetes.
The findings were published in the most recent edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Source: London Times
martes, 12 de junio de 2012
Finally, Microsoft has started rolling out the first major Windows Phone 7 update a couple of hours ago. However, the update could take a while to reach you of you have a carrier branded device.
sábado, 9 de junio de 2012
The End of 'Cheap Food'?
From the end of World War II until now, most nations have enjoyed plentiful and relatively inexpensive food supplies. But now, according to the well-known futurist think tank Global Business Network, that era may be ending.
GBN cites the near doubling of corn prices on the world market in the past year as evidence that this trend has already begun. Factors that are driving up prices include increased demand by the growing world population, as well as the growth of Asian economies. The latter is significant because, as economies prosper, meat consumption increases... and with it, the need for livestock feed. Increasing consumption of bio-fuels will stress grain supplies even further. Throw global warming into the mix (crop yields can fall by up to 5% for every 0.9 degree F rise in temperature) , and the stage is set for possibly much higher food prices worldwide, shortages, and ultimately, mass starvation in the poorest countries.
Writes GBN's Gwynne Dyer, PhD, 'In the early stages of this process, higher food prices will help millions of farmers who have been scraping along on very poor returns for their effort because political power lies in the cities, but later it gets uglier. The price of food relative to average income is heading for levels that have not been seen since the early 19th century, and it will not come down again in our lifetimes.' [Emphasis added]
Source: Arlington Institute
GBN cites the near doubling of corn prices on the world market in the past year as evidence that this trend has already begun. Factors that are driving up prices include increased demand by the growing world population, as well as the growth of Asian economies. The latter is significant because, as economies prosper, meat consumption increases... and with it, the need for livestock feed. Increasing consumption of bio-fuels will stress grain supplies even further. Throw global warming into the mix (crop yields can fall by up to 5% for every 0.9 degree F rise in temperature) , and the stage is set for possibly much higher food prices worldwide, shortages, and ultimately, mass starvation in the poorest countries.
Writes GBN's Gwynne Dyer, PhD, 'In the early stages of this process, higher food prices will help millions of farmers who have been scraping along on very poor returns for their effort because political power lies in the cities, but later it gets uglier. The price of food relative to average income is heading for levels that have not been seen since the early 19th century, and it will not come down again in our lifetimes.' [Emphasis added]
Source: Arlington Institute
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