miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

Fireplace Market, repositorio de aplicaciones para Android 'rooteados'

No son precisamente pocos los sitios que podemos encontrar en la Red para descargar aplicaciones para cualquiera de los innumerables dispositivos Android que existen. Sin embargo, FirePlace Market es una tienda de aplicaciones que presenta un enfoque diferente al de la gran mayoría, centrando su contenido en aplicaciones para usuarios que hayan "rooteado" sus smartphones o tablets.

Por el momento tanto sólo están disponibles un puñado de aplicaciones. No obstante, incluyen aplicaciones de lo más populares que requieren acceso root para su ejecución, algunas de ellas tales como Titanium Backup o Set CPU.

A pesar de presentar esta semana su versión 2.0, FirePlace Market presenta una interfaz bastante sencilla, por no decir excesivamente simple. Aunque dado el todavía pequeño volumen de aplicaciones en catálogo, resulta suficiente para realizar una pequeña búsqueda de aplicaciones, navegar por categorías o mostrar todos los programas en formato lista.

Además, la nueva revisión de la aplicación incluye una nueva página de inicio, pequeñas mejoras en la interfaz y otras actualizaciones menores en lo que a corrección de errores respecta , así como un gestor de paquetes integrado que permite tanto la ejecución como la eliminación de aplicaciones.

FirePlace Market está disponible para cualquier dispositivo equipado con Android 2.1 Éclair o superior y que, evidentemente, se encuentre "rooteado" para la instalación tanto de la tienda como de los programas de su catálogo.

sábado, 24 de marzo de 2012

EA and Glu Report Mobile Game Sales Results

Two of the biggest mobile game developers in the world, Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: ERTS) and Glu Mobile (NASDAQ: GLUU) announced quarterly results this week.

While EA's overall business continues to struggle, mobile was a bright spot with the company reporting that their mobile revenues were up 24% year-over-year to $189 million. For the fiscal fourth quarter, EA Mobile recorded $48 million in revenues, up 14% year-over-year.

Glu reported revenues of $20.8 million, compared to $20.6 million in the first quarter of 2008 which represents less than a 1% increase year over year.

If I was a Glu shareholder I'd be pretty disappointed with Glu's results. Although EA is a bigger company , the mobile games business is growing fairly rapidly (see post coming soon) and Glu should be growing at a similar pace to EA.

If you read Glu's full release and if you've been following the company over the last year, a lot of their lack of growth is due to the fact that Glu was very late to the iPhone party. They've started to ramp up lately with a number of high quality releases on that platform including the very fun Glyder title, but it's clear that they've still got a lot of work to do to get their business to take off further.

EA, on the other hand, was early to the iPhone an their games have done very well. Just in the past couple weeks, EA announced five new iPhone titles and executives said they expect to introduce 30 games for the iPhone this year.

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

Is True Global Democracy the Next Great Political Movement?

A near-universal disillusionment with traditional forms of government is driving new expressions of democracy around the world, underscored by a growing awareness of global issues and Internet-based connectivity. Paul Hawken of Orion magazine describes how many of the networking trends evident over the last decade are coalescing to create new ways for socially- and politically-minded groups to organize and make a difference:

This is the first time in history that a large social movement is not bound together by an 'ism.' What binds it together is ideas, not ideologies. This unnamed movement's big contribution is the absence of one big idea; in its stead it offers thousands of practical and useful ideas. In place of isms are processes, concerns, and compassion. The movement demonstrates a pliable, resonant, and generous side of humanity...

The promise of this unnamed movement is to offer solutions to what appear to be insoluble dilemmas: poverty, global climate change, terrorism, ecological degradation, polarization of income, loss of culture. It is not burdened with a syndrome of trying to save the world; it is trying to remake the world.

Source: AlterNet

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

5000 Android Apps

Google's Android Market now offers more than 4,900 applications for smartphones powered by the Android mobile operating system, according to the web services giant's vice president of engineering Vic Gundotra.

Speaking Wednesday at Google's annual I/O developer event in San Francisco, Gundotra said Android users have downloaded an average of more than 40 applications per user, adding that Android smartphones are now second in the U.S. in mobile web browsing, behind Apple's iPhone.

5000 apps is a pretty good number. We (Movaya) are about to launch our first premium app in the Android Market next week so we'll see how that goes.

jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012

Flick Fishing First to a Million Paid Downloads

Congrats to iPhone game developer Freeverse, who announced today that over the weekend they sold the millionth copy of their Flick Fishing game, making Flick Fishing the first paid application to reach the one million download milestone.

Flick Fishing allows iPhone and iPod touch users to take a virtual fishing trip with the flick of a wrist.  The game uses the iPhone's accelerometer to recreate a casting motion, then a combination of bait choice and fishing skill helps players land the big fish.

The iPhone OS 3.0 update issued last week for Flick Fishing allows peer-to-peer networking for players to compare their catches while competing in a blackjack style fishing contest. In addition, in-app purchases of a new fishing location and new fish have been made by nearly 10 percent of users since the OS 3.0 update was issued.
'We couldn't be happier that so many people decided to put on their virtual fishing cap and give Flick Fishing a try,' said Ian Lynch Smith, president and co-founder of Freeverse. 'We're very proud that over one million players have discovered that Flick Fishing is a great way to enjoy summer fun on your iPhone without the pesky flies and mosquitoes.'

The game can be purchased from iTunes for $.99 by clicking here.

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012


Download HTC Hub for Windows Phone 7Recently, a potentially path breaking NAND solution marrying the hugely popular mobile platform, Windows Phone 7, with one of the most popular smartphones, HTC HD2, was unveiled.