The paperwork for Optimus 3D has shown up in FCC's system just a day after AT&T revealed that it will be bringing LG's Optimus 3D Android phone, which requires no glasses, to the US as Thrill 4G.
viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012
miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012
Cellphone Calls from 29,000 feet
For all you cell phone users out there planning on climbing Mt. Everest, you can breathe a little easier now. Earlier this week Nepal Telecom, Nepal's largest telecom company, announced that they plan to build a cell phone tower that will provide coverage for up to 3,000 calls at a time. One can only assume that limit will never be reached.
Nepal Telecom has a base of 2.8 million customers, about a tenth of all people from Nepal, and 60% of all cell phone users in the country. The company has installed seven satellite antennas around the mountain, and will be providing coverage as early as June this year. The Nepali company hopes to provide an alternative to those who have rely on satellite telephones when taking the climb.
Let's hope we never hear about an avalanche caused by a chatty climber.
Gavin Nachbar is a freelance writing cell phone talker who he, himself, never plans on climbing Mt. Everest.
martes, 28 de agosto de 2012
Is True Global Democracy the Next Great Political Movement?
This is the first time in history that a large social movement is not bound together by an 'ism.' What binds it together is ideas, not ideologies. This unnamed movement's big contribution is the absence of one big idea; in its stead it offers thousands of practical and useful ideas. In place of isms are processes, concerns, and compassion. The movement demonstrates a pliable, resonant, and generous side of humanity...
The promise of this unnamed movement is to offer solutions to what appear to be insoluble dilemmas: poverty, global climate change, terrorism, ecological degradation, polarization of income, loss of culture. It is not burdened with a syndrome of trying to save the world; it is trying to remake the world.
Source: AlterNet
jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012
Crazy Zombie Wave
Se trata de un shooter en el que lucharas contra interminables oleadas de zombis. El protagonista del juego tiene el deber de no dejar pasar estos seres monstruosos más allá de un cierto límite. Sólo te podrás mover hacia la izquierda y la derecha para cubrir todas las direcciones desde donde vienen los zombis hambrientos. Esta vez, los monstruos no quieren comerse al protagonista, sino que querrán entrar al edificio que está protegiendo.

lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012
Virgin Mobile Brings Pre-pay to Air Cards

Virgin Mobile USA (NYSE: VM) today announced the launch of Broadband2Go, a 3G nationwide wireless Internet service without an annual contract, monthly subscription or activation fee.
Operating on the Sprint Nationwide Network and developed in conjunction with Novatel Wireless (NASDAQ: NVTL), the MC760 Broadband2Go device carries the distinction of being the world's smallest EV-DO Rev. A modem.
'Forget the long-term contracts, monthly bills or desperately seeking a local coffee shop for Wi-Fi. Prepaid mobile broadband is ideal for students, families on the go, freelancers, anyone who needs wireless Internet access...and wants to pay only when they use it,' said Bob Stohrer, CMO, Virgin Mobile USA. 'We've already demonstrated the benefit of no annual contracts and the ability to tailor spending to individual needs. Broadband2Go is another way to give consumers value, flexibility and convenience.'
Like Virgin Mobile USA's mobile phone service, activation is simple and megabytes can be added as often as needed with credit/debit cards or Virgin Mobile Top-Up cards. Top-Up cards can be used to purchase data usage from 100MB to 1 gigabyte on the pay-as-you-go model. A new Broadband2Go-branded Top-Up card for $20, which customers may use to purchase 250MB good for 30 days, translating roughly into 12 hours of web browsing. Other data plans are available at $10, $40 and $60, and any VMU Top-Up card can be used.
Virgin Mobile USA's Broadband2Go requires no activation fee and there are no roaming charges. Customers have a real-time usage meter to monitor and check 'Remaining Megabytes of Use' at any time. From the Broadband2Go My Account page, customers are provided with approximate estimates for how many hours of web-browsing, video-viewing and number of emails each plan will generally handle.
The package will be available exclusively at Best Buy Mobile starting in late June for $149.99, and is the first prepaid broadband product Best Buy Mobile is offering.
sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012
Se empieza a hablar de la llegada de Sony Xperia S a Europa

Pero la información trata de un teléfono tan esperado como el Sony Xperia S, que seguro que mucho queréis seguir sus pasos por Europa hasta llegar a nuestro territorio. Lo último que nos confirman es que a las islas británicas el teléfono estará disponible en marzo.
Han sido la operadora Phones 4u y el distribuidor Clove los que han informado de la fecha, incluso la primera asegura que tendrá en exclusiva al versión blanca, y ya ha abierto un formulario de inscripción en el que se les informará de su llegada.
En lo que respecta a Clove, nos invita a esperar al cinco de marzo, acepta reservas, y nos pone un precio: 468 libras, libre. Al cambio unos 570 euros, más o menos el precio que podemos esperar de un teléfono de última generación, y que nos sirve para hacernos una idea, pero que debemos esperar a que Sony marque su PVP.
Esperamos que pronto empiece el baile de operadoras nacionales en lanzar informaciones sobre el teléfono, ya que es uno de los más esperados de la temporada, además de ser considerado como "el primer Sony", tras la adquisición de la totalidad de la joint-venture.
jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012
Using DialogFragments
[This post is by David Chandler, Android Developer Advocate — Tim Bray]
Honeycomb introduced Fragments to support reusing portions of UI and logic across multiple activities in an app. In parallel, the showDialog / dismissDialog methods in Activity are being deprecated in favor of DialogFragments.
In this post, I'll show how to use DialogFragments with the v4 support library (for backward compatibility on pre-Honeycomb devices) to show a simple edit dialog and return a result to the calling Activity using an interface. For design guidelines around Dialogs, see the Android Design site.
The Layout
Here's the layout for the dialog in a file named fragment_edit_name.xml
<LinearLayout xmlns:android='' android:id='@+id/edit_name' android:layout_width='wrap_content' android:layout_height='wrap_content' android:layout_gravity='center' android:orientation='vertical' > <TextView android:id='@+id/lbl_your_name' android:text='Your name' android:layout_width='wrap_content' android:layout_height='wrap_content' /> <EditText android:id='@+id/txt_your_name' android:layout_width='match_parent' android:layout_height='wrap_content' android:inputType="text" android:imeOptions='actionDone' /> </LinearLayout>
Note the use of two optional attributes. In conjunction with android:inputType="text"
, android:imeOptions="actionDone"
configures the soft keyboard to show a Done key in place of the Enter key.
The Dialog Code
The dialog extends DialogFragment, and since we want backward compatibility, we'll import it from the v4 support library. (To add the support library to an Eclipse project, right-click on the project and choose Android Tools | Add Support Library...).
import; // ... public class EditNameDialog extends DialogFragment { private EditText mEditText; public EditNameDialog() { // Empty constructor required for DialogFragment } @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_edit_name, container); mEditText = (EditText) view.findViewById(; getDialog().setTitle('Hello'); return view; } }
The dialog extends DialogFragment and includes the required empty constructor. Fragments implement the onCreateView()
method to actually load the view using the provided LayoutInflater.
Showing the Dialog
Now we need some code in our Activity to show the dialog. Here is a simple example that immediately shows the EditNameDialog to enter the user's name. On completion, it shows a Toast with the entered text.
import; import; // ... public class FragmentDialogDemo extends FragmentActivity implements EditNameDialogListener { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); showEditDialog(); } private void showEditDialog() { FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); EditNameDialog editNameDialog = new EditNameDialog();, 'fragment_edit_name'); } @Override public void onFinishEditDialog(String inputText) { Toast.makeText(this, 'Hi, ' + inputText, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }
There are a few things to notice here. First, because we're using the support library for backward compatibility with the Fragment API, our Activity extends FragmentActivity from the support library. Because we're using the support library, we call getSupportFragmentManager()
instead of getFragmentManager()
After loading the initial view, the activity immediately shows the EditNameDialog by calling its show() method. This allows the DialogFragment to ensure that what is happening with the Dialog and Fragment states remains consistent. By default, the back button will dismiss the dialog without any additional code.
Using the Dialog
Next, let's enhance EditNameDialog so it can return a result string to the Activity.
import; // ... public class EditNameDialog extends DialogFragment implements OnEditorActionListener { public interface EditNameDialogListener { void onFinishEditDialog(String inputText); } private EditText mEditText; public EditNameDialog() { // Empty constructor required for DialogFragment } @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_edit_name, container); mEditText = (EditText) view.findViewById(; getDialog().setTitle('Hello'); // Show soft keyboard automatically mEditText.requestFocus(); getDialog().getWindow().setSoftInputMode( LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_VISIBLE); mEditText.setOnEditorActionListener(this); return view; } @Override public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) { if (EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE == actionId) { // Return input text to activity EditNameDialogListener activity = (EditNameDialogListener) getActivity(); activity.onFinishEditDialog(mEditText.getText().toString()); this.dismiss(); return true; } return false; } }
For user convenience, we programmatically focus on the EditText with mEditText.requestFocus()
. Alternatively, we could have used the <requestFocus/>
tag in the layout XML to do this; however, in some cases it's preferable to request focus programmatically. For example, an OnFocusChangeListener added in the Fragment's onCreateView()
method won't get called if you request focus in the layout XML.
If the user focuses on an EditText, the soft keyboard will automatically appear. In order to force this to happen with our programmatic focus, we call getDialog().getWindow().setSoftInputMode()
. Note that many Window operations you might have done previously in a Dialog can still be done in a DialogFragment, but you have to call getDialog().getWindow()
instead of just getWindow()
. The resulting dialog is shown on both a handset and tablet (not to scale):

The onEditorAction()
method handles the callback when the user presses the Done key. It gets invoked because we've set an OnEditorActionListener on the EditText. It calls back to the Activity to send the entered text. To do this, EditNameDialog declares an interface EditNameDialogListener that is implemented by the Activity. This enables the dialog to be reused by many Activities. To invoke the callback method onFinishEditDialog()
, it obtains a reference to the Activity which launched the dialog by calling getActivity(), which all Fragments provide, and then casts it to the interface type. In MVC architecture, this is a common pattern for allowing a view to communicate with a controller.
We can dismiss the dialog one of two ways. Here we are calling dismiss() within the Dialog class itself. It could also be called from the Activity like the show() method.
Hopefully this sheds some more light on Fragments as they relate to Dialogs. You can find the sample code in this blog post on Google Code.
References for learning more about Fragments:
viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012
Billo, a new software by Ray Kurzweil, which provides a free of charge e-reader software platform, has been launched. It is now available for Windows PC's and the Windows Phone 7 version is soon expected.
miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012
Colección de Juegos gratis para Android I
Bunny Shooter
Comenzamos con este juego conocido como El Disparador de Conejos (Bunny Shooter) un juego bastante divertido en que le tienes que dispararle flechas a unos conejos rosa que te miran con cara de pocos amigos, aunque parece bastante trivial la mecánica del juego puede hacerse adiptiva y es una excelente forma de disipar un poco el estres de la semana. El juego ha sido comparado en ocasiones con el conocido Angry Birds, salvando la diferencia de los gráficos y las múltiples pantallas además de algunos ajustes que podrán hacerse si los desarrolladores lo mejoraran en próximas versiones. el juego tiene muy buena gráfica y dinámica por lo que se lo recomiendo tanto a grandes como a chicos.
Compatibilidad: Android 2.1 o superior
Este otro juego es bastante dinámico, en él tendrás que ir evadiendo los bloques de colores que aparecen en tu pantalla inclinando el tabletpc o smartphone, lo cual lo hace bastante intuitivo, pero ojo no por ello fácil, la velocidad con que van apareciendo los obstáculos a lo largo de sus 4 niveles de dificultad son suficientes para hacerlo un juego que probará sobretodo tus reflejos y habilidades. Para jugar podrás utilizar gafas 3D para darle al juego más realismo.
Disponible en el Android Market para cualquier dispositivo con Android 1.5 o superior, lo podrás descargar también desde Androidpit.
lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012
Sutures from Bacteria
The material in Tepha Medical Devices' TephaFLEX Absorbable Suture breaks down in the body as a deep wound or surgical incision heals, improving the healing process and preventing infection. Recombinant DNA allows the manufacture of materials from organisms that would be difficult if not impossible to produce otherwise.
sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012
Backlinks indexados para tu Blog
- Crear links con palabras que realmente traigan tráfico a nuestra página.
- Que nuestra página esté en el rango de las palabras que realmente las personas buscan.
- Captar nuevas ideas para escribir lo que realmente le interesa a los internautas.
Así que por ejemplo digamos que tenemos un sitio web relacionado con venta de calzados y se ha escrito un post llamado zapatos negros de piel de cocodrilo, tan pronto como alguien escribe 'zapatos negros de cocodrilo' el plugin graba esto y te muestra el puesto de tu sitio en la búsquesa.
Ahora si nuestro sitio aparece en la lista digamos en el puesto 5, basta con corregir esto escribiendo un nuevo post con nuevo contenido de las frases que son de rango bajo para las búsquedas y esto nos garantizará una mejor posición para esta frase.
jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012
Móviles resistentes y sumergibles en

En la web se pueden encontrar gran cantidad de teléfonos donde la característica fundamental de todos ellos son su gran resistencia y muchos de ellos con prestaciones de valor añadido. Otra de las cualidades que presentan los teléfonos de esta web, es que todos son terminales libres, lo que te permitirá cambiar de compañía sin tener que preocuparte por buscar un nuevo terminal.
Además de terminales telefónicos también disponen de una 'Zona Gadget' donde se pueden encontrar productos muy interesantes como videocámaras sumergibles o cámaras de fotos todo terreno, capaces de soportar golpes y caídas.
Una web muy interesante para localizar teléfonos resistentes ya sea por que por tu trabajo necesitas un teléfono resistente y duradero o simplemente por que deseas tener un terminal capaz de resistir golpes o caídas y que funcione como el primer día. Visita la web